New design
Posted by madhack on Oct 9, 1999
Yep, new site design is online. Please report any problems to [email protected], and enjoy!
Roger Waters article on CNN
Posted by madhack on Sep 20, 1999
Check out a new article about Roger Waters on He talks about the usual stuff - the tour, his feelings on music and Floyd, etc. Also a few audio samples from the tour. Interesting read, check it out.
New record for hits per day
Posted by madhack on Sep 14, 1999
Woohoo! In case anyone cares, the Fandom received 1388 hits today - yet another record. That's the second record in the last 6 days. Keep 'em coming, I'm always striving to make this the best PF site on the net!
Unexpected downtime
Posted by madhack on Aug 7, 1999
Yes, the site was down. Server lost its power supply and main hard drive. Some problems with the company I originally ordered the new power supply from ensued, but as you can see, the site is up. Enjoy.
In the Flesh rules
Posted by madhack on Jul 24, 1999
I just got back from seeing Roger Waters' second show, in Chicago, IL. It was incredible. I also met Michael Simone of REG - The Roger Waters International Fan Club. I will be putting up a setlist and a review shortly, possibly in a special tour section, but right now I'm too busy coming down from the show. I will say that it was simply amazing, however, and there were a few surprises - like when they played Dogs. I'm going to go glow some more. When I get back to Cleveland I'll write a review and put up the setlist. Maybe tomorrow, but no promises. Check back soon for more info on the show. On a concert-related, but different, note: if anyone is going to be at the Cleveland show on July 27 or the Baltimore show on August 20, I'll be the guy in black jeans and an orange short-sleeve buttonup shirt. Hope to see some of you there.
Roger's touring, Floyd isn't
Posted by madhack on Jun 14, 1999
Since no one seems to bother to read down past the first few news entries, here goes AGAIN: Roger Waters is currently touring. Any other Floyd-related tour rumours you have heard are false. What this means is that there is no upcoming Floyd tour, there are no upcoming Gilmour shows, there is no new album planned, and there won't be a millennium show in Egypt, Peru, England, Vegas, Brazil, or anywhere else you may have heard. Please don't email me about it.
100,000 hits!
Posted by madhack on Jun 9, 1999
100,000th hit recorded! It happened Sunday, June 6, and the person was using an proxy server to surf the web... just thought I'd note the landmark.
Dutch Waters interview
Posted by madhack on May 24, 1999
This site in the Netherlands has excerpts from a recent interview with Roger - part of which appears in the interview below - in which he talks about the upcoming tour, news of Syd, and the new stuff that will be on the DVD version of "The Wall", including Reel 7 - the lost Hey You footage. Check it out.
1000 hits per day reached
Posted by madhack on May 13, 1999
Well, the first site- (rather than band-) related news in a while - The Fandom just recorded 1001 hits for May 12, the first time we have ever broken the 1000 mark. Thanks to every visitor to this page for the landmark :).
Waters interview from Boston radio
Posted by madhack on May 11, 1999
I now have a copy of an interview with Roger from a radio station in Boston. Check it out here. He says that he feels no reason to rejoin Pink Floyd (so STOP asking), that Ca Ira should be out next year, and that he's going into the studio for a new album in February 2000.
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